Cleveland Deed Lawyers

Land conveyances are common in estate planning, Medicaid planning and estate and trust administration.
In estate planning, we often prepare Transfer on Death affidavits or Quit Claim Deeds to transfer real estate into Trusts to avoid probate on real estate. In Medicaid Planning, when married couples are facing long term care costs, we will often assist the client with transferring the home to the healthy spouse to avoid Medicaid estate recovery. In estate and trust administration, we help clients transfer real estate out of a deceased individual’s name or out of a trust to the beneficiaries. We prepare other instruments, like Affidavit of Surviving Spouse, Affidavit of Confirmation and Memorandum of Trust needed to ensure clean title when a spouse dies owning a home Joint with Right of Survivorship, an owner dies with a Transfer on Death Affidavit or Deed in place or when a trustee is replaced. The Perla Law Firm, LLC prepares the Deeds and other land conveyances necessary to help our clients achieve the best outcomes for them.
To find out more about Deed or other land conveyances, contact The Perla Law Firm, LLC.